Butterflies and Moths


Speckled Wood Butterfly

Wall Brown Butterfly

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Six Spotted Burnet Moth

Small Toroiseshell  Butterfly

Painted lady Butterfly



Over thirty different species of butterfly have been observed in West Cork.  Some species, like the Clouded Yellow, Painted Lady and Red Admiral migrate from the European continent and can often be seen feeding on ragwort. The Gatekeeper butterfly is confined almost exclusively to the south of Ireland and is widespread in West Cork in coastal areas. The large and colourful Hawkmoths are abundant in summer.






Small Copper Butterfly  

      Red Admiral Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly


       Emperor Moth              Clouded Yellow Butterfly

     Greenveined White Butterfly     Green Hairstreak Butterfly

Elephant Hawk Moth                   Buff-tip moth




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J Earley, Earlybird Productions
 Skibbereen, Co Cork, Ireland
Telephone:+353 28 22760  Email: click here